Can understand your concern..
As per your complain a stone into the
salivary gland or its ducts is known as SIALOLITHS and it is formed from the minerals present in saliva and it can occur due to a number of reasons
like dehydration, certain drugs like intake of antihistamines, blood pressure medicines, psychiatric medications etc,and traumatic injuries to the glands..
A stone in the gland can flow with the saliva and can obstruct the ducts of the gland leading to obstruction in the flow of saliva from the gland to mouth and there can be backflow of saliva into gland leading to pain and swelling in the gland..
There can be multiple stones and can block the opening of the junction between gland and its duct..
The stones needs to be removed..
For small stones the stimulation in the saliva flow can be helpful as the small stones can be removed from the glands and their ducts along with the flowing saliva..
You can take more of sour candies and sugar free chewing gums and other sour things like lemon which can lead to stimulate saliva flow..
While the large stones needs to be removed surgically..
For stones in ducts the surgeon can make a cut or incision in the mouth near the stone and remove it while in case of stones into the glands Sialendoscopy which is an endoscopic technique is applied in which a small scopes are inserted through the duct opening into the glands and the stones are located and removed..
Hope this information helps..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..