Does Levipil Cause Side Effects In Myoclonic Patients?
shir,MY son aged five yrs having myoclonic jerks every day during sleep.CT,MRI BRAIN was normal. he had taken valparin for one year for febrile seizzure.he had weight gain and EEG shows Sharp waves and doctor prescribed Levipil 250 m.g morning 1/2 night 1.he is weighing 26 k.g .is it right choice? I am very much afraid about the side effects. pls answer me. thank you
does your son has myoclonic jerks in day time also? does he have some some kind of seizures other than febrile seizures? During sleep few myoclonic jerks are normal.
Levipil is newer anti epileptic effective for myoclonic jerks and comapred to other medicines, it has least interactions with other drugs and in liver and kidney patients. Levipil also has few side effects- but specifc one is psychosis and abnormal behavior