i have had a ultra sound it came back with some small cists on kidneys a thick bldder wall ,and blood in urine so the docter put me on erythromycin for 2 weeks bldder got worse then put me on norfloxacin for 2 weeks,i have been taling it for 5 days the bladder infection is finally gettig better i have a itcing and burning og hip joints prostate burning once in a while. i took some acidolphilus and bifidus will that make it worse.i am very concerned about making my kidney worse,the worst pain i had in the bladder when it started was a pain below belly button at 4 oclock it would hirt after i pass a stole or just hurt along with burning pain in bladder,it is getting better i am just concerned with kidney side efects .does norfloxacin help kidney infection as well and id yougert and aciddpholis bad to mix with this specific antibiotic,i am going for a ct scan and seeinfg a specialist for urinary tracyt but in a month i dont want to cause furtgher damage before then thank you i am a bit concerned about norfloxcian.i also took ciproflocin in early november for same infection it did not help because i have taken it many times and i think the bacteria is imume to it .thank you i hope you may help me please