Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
In general, a calculus that is less than 10 mm is always given a trial for natural removal.
The size of the calculus that your wife has ( 6 mm ) is quite small.
Normally, this sized calculus will easily pass through into the urine and get excreted.
Of course, the type of stones matter, with some stones being more resistant to treatment.
In your case, the stone has already migrated downwards, from the
kidney and is now at the VUJ ( vesico ureteric junction ).
In all likelihood it would pass from there, through the ureters and hence outside through the bladder.
The problem is that the passage and
peristalsis of the calculus, however small, would lead to a great amount of pain and discomfort.
There is no way to predict it, it might be painless also.
Calculus removal surgical would be indicated in the following situations -
1. Painful passage.
2. Recurrent infections of the type you mention, which might scar her kidneys forever.
Drink atleast 5 litres of fluids daily to facilitate stone removal.
All the best
Take care.