As you have mentioned you have lone atrial
fibrillation which is paroxysmal (episodic) since last 20 years.
I would advise you to undergo
catheter ablation as
1. It is a Lone atrial fibrillation ie. there is no underlying
heart disease (which can be evident on
echocardiography), good result is expected.
2. It is present since 20 years with frequency at least once a month and certain episodes last for 18 hours. Due to this there is high possibility of developing blood clots in heart (possibility increases with age of patient, duration of episode of atrial fibrillation and concomittant presence of
high blood pressure, diabetes.) and these blood clots may lead to Cerebro vascular accidents (ie. brain damage due to occlusion of blood supply of brain by embolization of blood clot from heart.
3. Your Age 65 yrs, increasing age is a independent risk factor for CVA.
4. Though you have not gone into AF again after starting Flecainide, there are side effects of flecainide.
Definitely you can take your time to take decision of ablation, as AF is controlled with flecainide.