Hi Doctor, Me and my fiancee had sex just 2 days earlier to her normal menstrual cycle. She took an i-pill within 15 minutes of having protected sex (Although I used condom, but she anyways took it for being double-sure). After that she got her period with a delay of around 1 week. We thought everything is good now. But now her next period (2nd menstrual cycle after having sex and taking i-pill) is not occurred till now and already delayed by 3 days. We counted new cycle dates according to the delayed period happened in first cycle. for example, earlier she bound to have normal periods on 18th Feb, but due to i-pill it happened on 25th Feb, so we were expecting her next period on 25th March (as feb was 28 days month). but it didn t happened till today 28th March. By the way, We did not had sex in this period. Can you tell, if this normal side-effect of i-pill Or can she be pregnant? We are very tensed.