hi, i have been experiencing persistent pain in the right side of my abdomen for the past few months. It varies from a dull ache/pressure, to sharp very alarming pain. The pain is sometimes also in my back (right side only) and at the top of my legs. I went for a trans-vaginal ultrasound, and the results show that i have multiple cysts on my right ovary and free fluid in my pelvis. I have spoken to my GP who says this is consistent with polycystic ovarian syndrome . I do not have any of the other symptoms, I am normal weight, do not have excess body hair or acne . I have been on the pill for about 5 years and have messed about with the breaks, so I am unsure of my normal menstrual cycle . In the past few months i have been bleeding a lot, more than once a month and occasionally after sex, even though i am still on the pill. I am worried and probably over sensitive, I just lost my mum to peritoneal cancer and my dad has just been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer . I asked my GP outright if I had cancer and he said that the cysts appear smooth and not like cancer cysts and not to worry, but doesnt know what the fluid is from. I am still in constant pain, and started bleeding again this morning. I am 25, had a normal smear 6 months ago, 4 years ago I had the HPV virus, have had 2 abortions aged 18/19. What should the next step be ? Should I stop worrying that it is cancer ? Does it sound like polycystic ovarian syndrome even with the symptoms i have and the symptoms that I dont have ? Thank you very much.