Thanks for contacting with your health concern
1. As the symptoms of pain/swelling are there for 3 weeks and conventional treatment has offered little help and now the surrounding area has become more swollen and tender, thus you need urgent medical evaluation since it could be a blood clot [DVT- deep vein thrombosis] which has to be immediately excluded, so seek immediate medical intervention [vascular surgeon opinion] or visit an ER.
2. likewise at the time of examination other causes which the physician/ specialist has to exclude are:
- arterial: due to poor circulation in the arteries.
- diabetic: due to high blood sugar.
- vasculitic: due to any inflammatory disorder OR
- traumatic: due to
injury to the leg.
3. remember cortisone will only suppress inflammation and will provide temporary relief only and not cure the underlying pathology, thus although will alleviate your symptoms but before opting for this, consultation with your
primary care provider is essential.
4. Later you can consult with an Orthopedic surgeon [if DVT is excluded] whether
cortisone injection is a must or not. [since repeated cortisone shots shorten the period of pain relief due to joint destruction], so if thinking of long-term relief you are advised to participate in
physical therapy to stretch and strengthen the joints, muscles, and other soft tissues and make other lifestyle changes, such as changing footwear. These steps can improve a joint's biomechanics and possibly decrease or eliminate the need for additional cortisone shots.