Hello. Thanks for writing to us at healthcaremagic
The salient points that i can gather after going thorough your query are:
-You had unprotected vaginal sex with a person whose HV status you were unaware off; which is a high risk for all STD's including HIV
-That you had a recurrence of
genital herpes after a week and
-You had a screening test for HIV at 7 and 1/2 weeks after the sexual encounter; which turned out to be negative.
Unprotected sex is a risk factor for all STD's like herpes,
gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, genital
warts, genital
Therefore, I would suggest a comprehensive screening for all STD's apart from just HIV.
Regarding your HIV screening test which turned out to be negative; It is recommended to undergo a repeat test at 12 weeks to cover for the window period of infection. However most of the individuals who are infected with HIV develop
antibodies within a month of infection.
Therefore a negative screening test at 7 and 1/2 months almost rules out HIV.
The swollen glands were most likely related to simultaneous herpes genitalis and they would resolve once the sores resolve.
Symptoms such as
sharp pain in hands and feet seems unrelated to any STD or HIV and I would suggest that you seek an expert opnion of an internal medicines specialist as well as an orthopedician for the needful