Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Norethisterone should not be taken during early pregnancy.
It can cause
virilization of a female fetus and some other anomalies ( cardiac, nervous system ) are also associated with the use of this drug in early pregnancy.
However, you have used it just for 3 days, and that too in very early pregnancy, before the sex of the fetus gets differentiated.
There is no evidence to recommend a termination for you, based on the low percentage of anomalies that have been reported.
So please go ahead and continue the pregnancy.
Have detailed sonograms and
genetic testing as the pregnancy advances.
Levofloxacin and ranitidine taken by your husband has no bearing on any side effects on the baby.
SO do not worry.
Enjoy your pregnancy and upcoming motherhood !
Do not forget to take daily 5 mg per day
folic acid supplements throughout your pregnancy.
All the best.
Take care.