1. probably your Axons [which are damaged in MS must not have been extensively injured during 2004, resulting in dormant MS], There is no way to predict, at the beginning, how an individual person’s disease will progress.[Because symptoms come and go in the majority of people with MS, the presence of symptoms is called an an exacerbation (relapse/remit)]
2. As you are diagnosed now, probably the myelin sheath [which helps to speed
nerve impulses] is damaged.
3. because it is an
Autoimmune disease thus secondary cause is very difficult to establish the cause of damaged myelin.
4. because MS causes difficulty in making decisions, planning, or prioritizing at work or in private life, thus can be one of the cause of cognitive vulnerability.
5. New research has revealed that: : people with MS can experience difficulty with thinking, learning, memory, and judgment. The first signs of what doctors call cognitive dysfunction may be subtle:
i. The person may have problems finding the right word to say, or trouble remembering how to do routine tasks on the job or at home.
ii. Day-to-day decisions that once came easily may now be made more slowly and show poor judgment.
iii. Changes may be so small or happen so slowly that it takes a family member or friend to point them out.
6. Many of your problems are best treated by
neurologist who have advanced training in the treatment of MS and who can prescribe specific medications to treat the problems, and because of the risk of interactions between complimentary & alternative therapies, people with MS should discuss all the therapies they are using with their doctor, especially herbal supplements. Although herbal supplements are considered "natural," they have biologically-active ingredients that could have harmful effects on their own or interact harmfully with other medications..