I would like to ask your help in giving me more information about my recent x-ray result. Six months ago, I was diagnosed to have PTB on my right upper lobe. My doctor has given me medication in 6 months period and had taken the medicine religiously. Recently, I have taken another x-ray to find out my condition after the medicine intake. The result was: Follow up examination since March 29, 2012, considering technical differences, shows no significant interval clearing of minimal linear infiltrates in the right upper lobe. The rest of the lungs are clear. The hila and pulmonary vessels are within normal limits. The heart is normal in size and configuration. Mediastinum and diaphragm are normal. The visualized bones are unremarkable. The soft tissues do not appear unusual. IMPRESSION: Consider PTB, right upper lobe, activity undetermined I am looking forward to your profound explanation to clarify some thought in mind . Thank you for your help. Alvin (age 29) from the Philippines