Dear Doctor, please see my Angiogram report, 1. LMCA Normal, 2. LAD - Type C LAD vessel, Mid LAD astride D1 has 30% stenosis . distal LAD is normal, D1 has mild disease proximally. 3. LCX-non dominant vessel, has mild disease. OM1 and OM2 have plaqueing, 4. RCA - Dominant vessel. Proximal RCA has plaqueing. Mid RCA has 70-80% stenosis. distal RCA 100 occluded. PDA and PLB are seen filling through collateral from LCA 5. LIMA - Normal. Advise - PTCA + Stenting to mid and distal RCA (two stents) I am afraid of stenting. is there any other mean that i can skip the stenting? Thanks and regards, Anthoni Selvam Age 40 Years