Well, I had a hysterectomy with removal of ovaries and cervix too....now, every time I get in the shower, if I am not careful and do a 30 or 40 minute Kegel, I end up with a UTI....I think a lot in the shower and so, sometimes, I relax....and especially because I have an upcoming hip replacement as well as herniated discs....the surgeon keeps asking me if I had an accident...no gelatin left in between my discs, however, I only had back pain after my first failed hip replacement. 3 weeks post surgery, I was back in the OR having a hip revision....I was 46 then, I'm 51 now. Should I see a Urologist? I'm in chronic pain in my hips, my spine and now, my female parts...I can't take much more...the UTI's are worse than anything else...