hi I;m 27 weeks and 1 day and had my ultrasound last december 11, 2012 and according to my sonography result my LMP- 6/3/12, EDC-3/10/13, G1P0, No.of fetus: 1, Presentation: breech, FHT-136bpm, AFI-17.42, Placenta:Antero fundal grade II, BPD-7.0cm AOG 28 1/7 weeks, HC-25.8cm AOG 29 1/7 weeks, AC-22.8cm 27 1/7 weeks, FL-4.9 cm AOG 29 6/7 weeks, EDD 3/8/13 AOA 27 3/7 weeks, EFW-1119 grams. I want to know if the above mention result is within normal range? and my amniotic fluid is high normal amniotic fluid I want to ask if it is ok to my gestational age? and what is the causes of having high normal amniotic fluid? thank you.