hi there
multivitamins normally which are water soluble ones (vit B ,C)when taken in excess pass through urine but yes fat soluble ones (A, D, E, K) CAN CAUSE HYPREVITAMINOSIS in long run but 2 months is very small time to cause any kind of vitamin induced side effect.
moreover you are just taking a composition of iron zinc,
folic acid and multi vitamins which shoudnt cause any problem in a span of 2 months.
ideally all the multi vits n minerals should be taken under medical presciription only.
yes blood on teeth ... means its been some time you didnt get your professional dental cleaning. mostly its caused due to
PLAQUE and CALCULOUS ON TEETH, brushing twice a day is not sufficient. start rinsing with a MOUTH WASH after brushing in morning. and do WARM SALINE RINSES (1 cup of luke warm water+ half tbs of salt) after brushing at night.and get a professional dental cleaning done.
yes bleeding from teeth could also be because of
hormonal changes if you are a teenager or a pregnant woman.
In all the above reasons you do need a professional help.