With the information provided by you it appears that you may be having Chronic
sinus infection and numb feeling around your right ear is due to Eustachian tube block (connecting tube between back of nose and ear to help equalize pressure on either side of ear drum) and is secondary to sinus infection.
More information like if you have any nose problems, any phlegm (mucus) coming back to your throat and its colour, any nose block, how frequently you needed to take antibiotic etc would have helped in making accurate diagnosis.
When you pass your hand on both sides from hairs down over your ears, you don't hear that sound made by it (you can compare it to your other side). You feel this is
numbness but if you check you can still feel sensation of touching your Rt ear.
If there is chronic sinus infection, frequent exacerbation of it makes the need to take antibiotic repeatedly. Your
ear ache may be caused by sinus infection itself or due to inflammation in the lymph glands below ear appearing as if the pain is in that ear.
You may need to get a
CT scan of
sinuses. After that you may need a longer course of antibiotic or if CT scan shows block and significant disease,
sinus surgery may be required
You please show to an
ENT specialist who can examine you and determine the disease causing these symptoms and treat you appropriately.
Wish you good health