HI,Dear.Very Good NOON from India.Thanks for your query.I understand your concerns.I studied your query in depth.Need more information to comment on.
-I would advise you not to worry still.In my opinion -the hiatus lump on back of neck -post car accident-is the cause for your-Erythromelalgia- and is causing cervical- sympathetic chain-symptoms leading to Erythromelalgia in legs and feet.
-Hiatus lump on back of neck -is mostly - lump at the Thorasic Outlet Hiatus, and that causes the sympathetic- ganglion- lump which got irritated by the car injury to head /neck and shoulder and has lead to the Erytrhomelalgia in feet.
-Treatment would be-
a-Test for the Fabrys disease-to rule out its association with Erythromelalgia , by
skin biopsy for the-Gl3 vascular load,USG study for
Liver fatty deposits
-b-Tb-gabapentine/ parabelin -for treating the neuropathic effects
-c-Tb-Vit-b-12 suplmenting doses.
-d-Tb-serropetidase-for long with
-e- Tb
Steroids -if no diabetes- to reduce the traumatic inflammatory damage from the hiatus lump -which is-causing sympathetic chain compression symptoms due to the TOS(Thorasic Outlet Syndrome)-compression syndrome post-car accident head/shoulder/
neck injury.
-Ortho surgeon with NeuroSurgeon and Radio-logist-team- with FDG PET scan MRI/CAT scan studies would pinpoint treatment and prognosis in your case.
-Hope this relieves your worry-some query. Wellcome for anymore queries in time to come.Have a Good Day.