Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
There was elevated level of W B C but the level as you mentioned ( 13 000 c mm) is not very high .
This level may be due to any mild degree infection.
Prednisolone in itself causes fluid retention ,so please mention the the dosage of prednisolone took your husband.
Now his sgpt level is high 80 I U ,however this raised level is not an alarming condition and not so specific .
As you stated that your husband is bed ridden and feeling so
tiredness and even breathlessness, so evaluation of diagnosis is very important .
Further you mentioned that
ultrasound is normal at normal at this time . Further stated that there is no fluid in abdomen .
I would like to say that there is a very serious disorder according to your stated history of illness .
In my opinion please consult another physician and get his opinion as this time condition is not good.
In early stage if NASH ( NONALCOHOLIC
fatigue & weakness are most important symptoms.
While further symptoms are weight gain and
cirrhosis .
So don't delay.
Good luck.