Not sure how many doctors are familiar with Reiki . When I had my first attunement my teacher let us know our bodies would be going through changes. Some of us had emotional changes, some changed their diets to suite their bodies changing needs, I however have become very sensitive to many things. I have terrible skin reactions to most chemicals , exposures to metals, a label of a snapple bottle touching the skin of the arm, and even things that are hypo allergenic or designed for sensitive skin . (Triple antibiotic ointments and other commonly used products) I cannot eat red meat anymore, something I enjoyed as I now have severe migraines even with the smallest of portions. The smell of cooked meat is unbearable whereas before I had no problem with it. I can still eat fish and fowl, but have noticed my sense of taste is not as strong as it used to be, and have had strong chocolates without being able to taste them. I have been on so many antibiotics in the first year since the changes they are no longer effective. My doctor asked to have blood work to find the cause of the severe rashes (they covered from my abdomen to my neck, my ears, and my arms. The whole left side of my back, and from my hip to my knee on one side of my body at different times, always in large areas.) I tested negative for diabetes, and negative for HIV. I was told the only thing notable was that a small part of my thyroid left in me after surgery had formed nine cold masses around it, and that my liver levels were slightly elevated. (Was on seizure medicine for many years which stimulated the liver, no longer taking medication). My thyroid levels were normal. I am at a loss of the cause of the rashes, and intolerance to foods I used to be able to eat. Each doctor I have seen just tells me, dont eat that anymore, dont use neosporin, and dont touch the labels of bottles, or dont wear jewelry. I feel disheartened knowing I will get the same shrug and very specific restriction from the latest thing I came into contact with instead of someone telling me where the common thread is and how further reactions can be prevented.