I have been a heavy diet coke drinker (caffeine and caffeine-free) for many years. The past few months, I have been having bad acid reflux and heartburn that was excruciating, unlike anything I have ever experienced (including the reflux and hb during my past pregnancies.) I would have a sharp pain in my stomach area that would make if feel difficult to breath. GasX and Tums would eventually dull the symptoms. Two weeks ago, I was in so much pain after eating bland foods that the only culprit I could figure was the soda , so I stopped drinking it all together. Today, I had a few of sips of my husband s soda at lunch. My esophagus immediately didn t feel well. It is now a few hours later and I feel very gassy, chest hurts, and difficult to breathe. I do not have any chronic or serious health problems, 37 years, and healthy weight. Any advice would be appreciated