Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
I will try to explain you that how this occurs.
When there was fume ( smoke ) due to reaction of bleach +harpic , it entered in your lungs through inhalation and you developed
allergy .
This fume was a predisposing factor , otherwise your lungs were already sensitive to allergy.
Due to this allergy there develops , coughing,
sneezing, tears from eyes, red eyes, nasal discharge , itching in eyes and over face.
Due to these symptoms you got infection and this produces expectoration ( phlegm or pus in your words).
Please don't worry , be tension free , this sort of allergy is very common .
Consult a physician and take treatment , once alright ( cure) , forget , again allergy take treatment .
Antihistamine +
bronchodilator helps in this type of condition.
If infection than take antibiotics.
Good luck.