hi sir.. I am mani from indore.. i was affected by epilepzy when i was 8 years old and consulted a neuro and he prescribed tegretol and eptoin tablets for 5 years and later with reduced dosage upto 2 years.... after 2 years stopped the medicine got eye alergy(kind of itching) consulted various doctors and used drops like betnezol,alergaon,azelast.. and suggested for glass. after that recently i am suffering from kind of itching in the skin legs,hands,face with patching .. for this i was suggested xyzal,lecope-dt,tablets.. but only if i take these tablets itching is getting stopped and since its a levo cetrezne group i stopped after taking for 1 year, currently having homeo medicine... is this kind of alergic symtoms are due the effect of that eptoin/tegretol tablets or any other things which i mentioned in the above medicines... please clarify.. since this alergic problem still with me... please help me in this regard