Hi I need some advice, I seem to have fainting spells every now and again, Everytime i do pass out i have low blood sugar levels I am also epileptic although this never seems to cause or fall into the problem as i never fit., feeling nauseous and then i am sick, Feel very trebly before and after, but have a heartbeat i can feel alot more almost like a pupitation, But the beat is regular. the episode only seems to last maximum 5 minutes, But the nly difference with my last two times i have fainted, I actually pass out twice?. About 2 months ago i had to have a pill and blood pressure check and for the first time ever i did have a high blood pressure, went a week later and it went back to almost normal. the thing is wether this is all stress related as im getting married in september but we also moved house in january. i am 28 yeqars old about 5 ft 4\