Hey, Im a seventeen year old girl who attends online school. I do exercise and such but lately I ve discovered I have a problem with eating. Im wondering if maybe I m becoming lactose intolerant? If I drink half a glass of milk or even half of that I start to feel ill. But I can eat cheeses and ice cream fine. Then again, Im wondering if salsa can do this? This is the third day that I ve had this sudden rise in m chest where I feel panicky and can t seem to calm down my heart rate. Soon following it I feel the need to throw up but I never do no matter how extreme the feeling is. Then I get cold, not a flash of hot or cold - I get COLD. I shake so uncontrollably and bundle up in a thick jacket to keep warm. I ve also come to have a dry mouth for which I drink a lot of water to stay hydrated, but then I have to urinate four or five times and also end up having diarrhea. I ve found that a minor, temporary solution to this issue is to wait until I don t need to use the toilet, then grab a warm damp rag to lay over my forehead, and lay down on my back under the blankets until I fall asleep. I end up waking up from the nap feeling hotter than hot and within a few moments I feel okay. But as soon as I start sitting up I feel shaky and panicky again - like right now as I just woke from a nap an hour or so ago. What s wrong with me? What can I do?