Hello, I have had a situation where I feel absolutely normal take a step, don't trip, but feel like the bottom half of my legs are gone. I go down. Conscious the whole time. I then can feel my legs, no pain, no numbness. I test it out to see if i can stand and I can. Obviously a little tentative afraid I am going to fall again, but I can do it. Then I am uncoordinated(dizzy for a very short time). In a very short time I can walk perfectly but my head is cloudy. This has happened 3 times. The last time I was at work. My secretary and the Marshal, I am treasurer of a small town and our offices are right next to each other.). They called the ER explained what happened and said I was acting like I was extremely drunk or on drugs. This was the only time that part seemed to happen. I was then in the hospital for 5 days. Full mri, cat scan, eeg, I wont go through the whole list, but I got everything. I was also tested for all kinds of diseases and viruses. aids to Lyme diseases. auto immune everything etc etc etc. I was released last night no diagnosis. Told to keep an eye on it. That's it. Time for the MAYO Clinic?