The past several months my feet become very red around my heels and the soles of my feet after prolonged standing or walking. At the end of the day it is very painful to walk and my toes swell. My feet are painful, but also sting. In the mornings after getting out of bed my feet are normal looking. No redness, pain, or swollen toes, but after being on my feet for 2-3 hours the pain and stinging begins, and the redness occurs. I have tried taking 1600mg of Motrin a day. I've bought expensive shoes recommend by my podiatrist. I had blood work in June. Everything came back normal. I've tried orthopedic insoles I purchased from my podiatrist, as well as seeing a chiropractor, but nothing helps, and it seems to be getting worse everyday. Sleeping, swimming, sitting, reclining my feet are fine. Standing and walking has become brutal. I am a teacher. This is beginning to affect my job. I never leave my home other than to go to work. My primary care physician as well as two podiatrist says it's inflammation. I've tried everything they've recommended but nothing has helped.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.