Dear patient.
Greetings from health care magic!!! I am Dr Thakker and shall be answering your question.
I can understand your concerns for your mothers health. I will try my best to answer your question and guide you through.
Your mother has got bilateral
renal calculi, most likely staghorn calculi. They have damaged the kidney causing a
chronic kidney disease and hence the creatinine is 3.4. This is much higher than the normal creatinine of 1. she is anemic due to CKD and maybe
iron deficiency and blood loss. I also would like to know if she has any pus cells in the urine currently.
Treatment options for her:
For calculi: She needs to undergo a nephron lithotomy maybe by renal angle approach. You need to take an opinion of a
For CKD: She needs monitoring of her urine output. She needs iron supplementation and
erythropoietin for anemia correction. She also needs lowphos, sodamint, calcium supplementation. Make sure the calcium to phosphorus product does not cross 60.
I hope this helps you out. If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to write back to me.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Thakker.