Hi, last week I was bed-ridden due to a fever, chills, major body aches, nausea , and a sore throat . After that week, I had gotten better for 2-3 days except on Wednesday, I was back to being bed-ridden due to a spike in fever, aches on/around my neck (swollen lymph nodes), and apparently a serious throat infection? It looks like tonsillitis because of the inflamed tonsils/white wall? I can t breath or swallow properly without being in pain, and I m spitting a ton of phlegm or mucous in a yellow color. This morning there were streaks of blood in the spit. I hardly cough along with the illness, but when I do, it makes it VERY hard to breath, and more blood produces. I m not sure what I have, but I was prescribed [Prednisone] and [Cephalexin]. I just want to know what it is. Thank you.