Thanks for writing to health care magic.
One cause of this fluttering you are feeling could be because of arrythmias. This is the reason why your doctor placed you on a monitor.
The other possibility I can think of is
anxiety associated conditions can present like this. Lack of sleep points out to this.
I also advise you to follow the undermentioned life style changes.....
yoga, breathing exercises, etc will help.
2. Go for a walk. Recreational exercises will be of use.
3. Do not take the whole problem on yourself. After doing your part leave it to God.
4. Some times slowing down in life helps. Play with kids.
5. Do not try to be the best always.
6. You can find thousands of websites with literature on time management. It is important.
7. Listen to music, do some gardening work...
8. Prey God.
Hope this helps.
Take care.