Thanks for writing to H.C.M.
By your query I came to know that you are having a lump on the side of neck near hair line, this lump is non tender , firm and fixed i.e. not mobile. By the characteristics of lump you are worried for cancer or secondary.
Lump on the side of neck may be of-
Enlarged lymph node.
2- Lipoma.
3- Sebaceous cyst.
Though you are also having
sore throat, nasal discharge and facial congestion. This type of infection may give rise to acute
cervical lymphadenitis. here I am not considering this lump as acute
inflamed lymph node because your lump is painless while acute lymphadenitis is always painful.
Since this lump is fixed therefore it can't be Lipoma.
Last possibility is of sebaceous cyst, I think this is most likely in your case, as it is painless, fixed to skin, size is also of about of bug bite. Therefore clinically it appears to be sebaceous cyst.
Though the diagnosis may be confirmed by FNAC from lump.
I hope your query is well explained so don't worry.