I fractured my left leg 21 months ago , Titanium Screws and titanium plate were fixed to the fracture. Within one day developed severe rashes, Plaque psoriasis. Have suffered these rashes for over 20 months. I strongly believe I might be allergic to the aluminum vanadium titanium I never had any skin problems like this prior to the surgery for my leg.
The rashes seem to be very symmetrical, Left side of my Face right side of my face, Left elbow right elbow Left forearm right forearm Left side of my head behind my ear right side of my head behind my ear. I had the titanium plate and screws removed 10 or 11 weeks ago, So far not much change in the rash.
Friday I googled symmetrical rash that led me to celiac disease, I have been to a allergist I have been to a dermatologist. After multiple prescriptions for Fungal rashes Creams oils Ointments. No good results getting very frustrated
Will antibodies in my blood turn up if I'm allergic to those metals? I have read that antibodies will turn up in my blood if I have Celiacs