For the past two days I have had multiple things going on, Im dizzy to the point where I fall over or into things, my legs and hands are constantly cold . They also randomly go numb like when your foots asleep, starts out tingling but rapidly increases and I lose almost all movement my calfs and forearms also cramp up when this happens. My eyes will not stop twitching and squinting involuntarily and focusing my eyes takes a couple seconds. The biggest problem though is that every time I move, stand up, walk, or do anything that s not sitting completely still I am instantly out of breath and can not catch it again, I automatically start taking fast deep breaths to try to catch my breath but can never seem to slow it down or get it under control again even after Ive sat back down and began relaxing. This hasnt happened before to me I dont think. Im only 110 lbs at 5 5, Im in alright shape if that can help determine possibilities. It only started happening two days ago and all the symptoms came at once. The day before it began I was sleep deprived and didnt eat much but I have definitely made up for that since and it hasnt improved at all. The exhaustion/ out of breath feeling has actually gotten worse since yesterday.