Dear Doctor, From 2 year back my erections were hard and i was healthy.I masturbate frequently and sometimes one after another.I have my left hand to masturbate. Then slowly symptoms started : 1. I started getting constipation and gas. I like sitting in wash room and holding it for sometime while reading newspaper and then passing on. 2.Then started leakage of drops after urinating. 3. Then started weak erections. 4.After some months when i pass urine then afterwards i get semen smell on my pants which not even me but others can detect. It always and excessively happens. My semen are watery,low volume, infectious (Yellowish), some watery and some thick yellow. 5. Previously my penis shaft was straight. Now its bent to left side may be to stimulating excessively from my left hand during masturbation. 6. Then i got light pain in 4 inches left side of between bellybutton and penis. after masturbation i get itchy, stress and sometimes light pain in left testicle . 7. Then this pain moved to right side and now it switches b/w left and right and it is more in left side. Now it remains their nearly always. Now erections are weaker, hair falling. Kindly help!