What does it mean when,my HCG levels two weeks ago had doubled they went from being in the 900s to the 3000s in two days, progesterone was at 19 and at that time because I was BF and my cycles were at 37 days I thought I was approximately 5 weeks along. I had an ultrasound done last week and the was no fetal pole but there was a gestational sac and a yolk sac with an itty bity little thing next to it, the Dr. said it looked like I was only 5 wks or 5 1/2 weeks. when he did the physical exam my uterus was measuring about 8 weeks but this is my 4th pregnancy I have only carried 1 baby to term. I went back this week and they were able to see the fetal pole it it was apparently to small to measure and there was a heart beat 129. My gestational sac was measuring 7 1/2 weeks and the Dr. kept on repeating that it was showing larger than the baby I am carrying. Based on my HCG levels too what does al of this mean? I have an other ultrasound scheduled in 2 weeks but I don t know what to think of the information that was given to me? Is this a sign of a birth defect with the baby? Will I miscarry again? Any knowledge on the matter would be greatly appreciated, I just want to understand the diffent outcomes that can happen so I can prepare, a third miscarraige would be difficult but I just want to know if all is okay?