hello sir, I am 23 years male,i had gone to a doctor after getting frequent urination and also to an another doctor for my cough,i often get cough and it takes long time to recover but if i do any disorder in my diet then again i get cough.The doctor took my blood test and the reports are as follows:- ESR-08 mm(1st hr.) , Haemoglobin-16.4 g/dl , Total count WBC-7700 /cu.mm, Total count RBC-5.69 Million/cu.mm, Differential count- Neutrophils-74% , Lymphocytes-,09% Eosinophils-15% Monocytes-02% , Basophils-00% , P.C.V-51.0% , M.C.V-89.6 fL , M.C.H-28.8 pg , M.C.H.C-32.1 g/dl R.D.W-17.7% , Platelet-0000 /cu.mm And the Glucose Random-108 mg/dl What does my report mean?