Hello!Raghav. Thanks for putting your query in HCM. I am a Gastroenterologist (DM).
I think you are suffering from IBS-C (
Irritable Bowel Syndrome predominant
constipation) if you are not having alarming features which you haven't mentioned
Few things to know about IBS:
1. Is a chronic disease which has relapsing and remitting course
2. It will never harm you even if it will persist for whole life
3. Stress, life events, and anxiety leads to aggravation of symptoms
4. Intestine becomes hypersensitive so even discomfort is perceived as pain
5. Increase gas production leading to abdominal fullness and bloating
6. No alarming features like
weight loss,
gastrointestinal bleeding, or fever
So I will advise you to take :
1.Proton pump inhibitor like
rabeprazole along with a prokinetic agent like domperidone
2.For constipation take lots of fibres in your diet and also psyllium fibres
3.take lots of liquid in your diet
4. If not relieved with fibres alone then take some laxative that contains
milk of magnesia,
liquid paraffin and sodium picosulphate like syrup cremaffin plus
Headache may be due to overwork, tension or some other reason. Actually you haven't given details of headache like location- whole head, on one side, back of head in occipital area, any associated features like nasal stuffiness, excess lacrimation, vomiting etc, your blood pressure, whether you are able to sleep well, any tension etc. So if you will upload details of headache then I will be to advise further on that.
Meanwhile you can above medication along with some analgesic like tramadol but not NSAIDS which can further aggravate your gastric problem
I hope I have answered your query and this will help you. Remain in touch and get-well soon.