Welcome to HCM.
Remember, there are many causes of itching.
It may external or internal.
External cause may be irritant or allergen.
Housedust,housedust mite,insects,pollens,grass,wool,perfume,cosmetics,sunrays, water,cool weather or hot weather and so on...
It may be internal..anaemia, thyroid dysfunctions,other endocrinal diseases, DM,HIV,renal diseases,hepatic ddiseases,malignancies, blood diseases,leukamias,
Drugs,psychological disorders..etc
You should
consult dermatologist for perfect diagnosis and treatment.
steroids in tappering dose and anti histaminics might improve the itching..
Local soothing lotion like
calamine with
aloe vera lotion might benefit.
In your case, VDRL test might be false positive, so it has no significance .
I hope you got my answer.
Dr. Ilyas Patel MD