Hello and welcome to HCM,
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted virus.
It gives rise to genital warts and genital tract cancers (especially
cervical cancer) as well as oral cancers.
However, there is no need to discontinue your sexual life.
There is need to be more vigilant for the development of any abnormal lesion on the genital region.
At the age of 36, you need to take up regular Pap test of the
HPV is known to cause changes in the cervical mucosa.
this test will pick up any abnormality of the cervical cells and thus prompt treatment.
Your husband should be careful about development of any lesion on the genital region and
oral mucosa.
For the treatment of the genital warts, topical treatment should be taken.
Podophyllin treatment is the commonly used mode of treatment.
You can consult your doctor for prescription of the treatment.
Vaccines are available against HPV however, they are effective when taken during adolescence.
They may not be effective at this age.
thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal