I am a male 28 and ex-NSGCT-testis patient. I have undergone RPLND on Apr2011. Till now I am an orgasmic anejaculation patient. I never ever seen any sign of semen since then when masterbating. Sometimes I saw pre-ejaculate fluid. Recently me and my fiance had unprotected sex on 27.03.2013. I felt orgasm and don't know wheather I could ejaculate as it never happens during handwork. She was due on her period on 02.04.2013. She is a damn on date regular. But till date her period doesn't arrive and having white discharge, period like pain, bloating, uneasy feeling, constipation etc. Two HPT shows negative (one on 08.04.2013 with first morning urine). Is she pregnant or what happened to her? I masterbate after that but nothing came out. I have no idea what's happening? please help.