I had intercourse with a new partner (one night) 4 months ago (he is only the second person I have been with. The first one was a sure thing he was clear). Shortly after we slept together I got a UTI (took antibiotics) followed by a yeast infection (did not take anything) and then a cold... and since I have been having a few "symptoms" that are not painful but noticeable and concerning...
strange random nerve twinge in my inner thighs
It almost feels like my groin glands are sore.. the ones on my thighs and the ones on top of my vaginal hood/pelvic bone
lower back pokes occasionally (usually a week before my period but sometimes random)
occasional and random tingling sensation but no lesions
have had four bumps since sleeping with him all at different times but all i believe to have been ingrown hairs... gone in a day or two, very mildly irritating, all had a small scab that fell off the first time i noticed/touched it and as far as my vision would allow me to see a hair coming from it...
glands around my groin kind of feel swollen but it could all be in my head..
pretty much constant discomfort pricks, pulls, mild itch in pubic area but I think this may be because I have stopped shaving.. almost all together since him. If i shave i get TERRIBLE razor burn now and If i dont I cant exam the area well and I have constant irritation.. lose lose. The hair is very annoying, stops hurting if I "comb" it in the direction of the hair follicles but pretty much always conscious. I went to a doc (three times - two dif docs) to get a blood test and they said that without lesions I shouldn't worry about it and that they don't recommend me getting a blood test... convinced at that moment, I left the office without the blood test. I was tested for all other stds antibiotic curing stds - came back clear.
My main concerns are the tingling, lower back tinges and the groin nerve discomfort. All are very mild in pain and occur randomly, but make me feel like something is going on beneath the surface.
any suggestions or insight would be so helpful. I am OVERRR the anxiety, constant personal examinations, stress and unknown.