Hello friend,
Thank you for posting your query through Healthcare magic.
This incident shows that your daughter is hypersensitive to certain odours.
respiratory tract showed symptoms of
hypersensitivity or allergy this time. Such individuals are usually prone to develop eczema on skin (
allergic dermatitis) or
migraine headaches in future.
The phlegm secreted as a result of the
allergic reaction got into the respiratory tract and produced the wheezy chest. What you have done is what every body does in this sort of circumstances.
Benadryl is an expectorant that helps to bring out mucus or phlegm from the respiratory tract.
This incident reminds you that your 5 year old is likely to develop similar reactions in future also. Giving benadryl is not a curative method. It only helps to bring the phlegm out.
The hypersensitive reaction is a genetic or constitutional problem. Such constitutions are called atopic. This constitution can be corrected by constitutional method of treatment . The best method is Homoeopathy.
Therefore you are advised to take your child to an expert Homoeopathic physician at the earliest in order to get her curative, genetic and constitutional remedy. That only will cure her disease rapidly and permanently.
If you can get back to me through a premium question, I can help you to find the curative remedy. I can assist you to prepare her case by sending a case receiving format on request, in which you can develop her case and send back to me.
Her curative remedy will keep her healthy in future.
With Best Wishes,
Dr C. J. Varghese,