Thanks for asking the query,
As per your symptoms pain can be because of wisdom tooth , which can be tilted in position or impacted in the jaw , this areas are very difficult to clean causes food accumulation leading to inflammation and swelling of overlying gums known as
pericoronitis .
Visit to the
dentist and get complete clinical evaluation done .
Get an OPG done which will show the correct position of the tooth .
Maintain a good oral hygiene .
Use saline water garglees 3-4 times a day .
Use 0.2% of
chlorhexidine mouthwash solution gargles twice daily .
You can take tab
odoxil 500 mg & tab
zerodol three times a day for three days .
Another reason of pain can be because of the filled tooth , there can be high points in the filling or the cavity can be deep leading to inflammation of the pulpal tissue .
get an x-ray done of the respective tooth ..
Hope this helps out .