I have a dry weird patch on the very back of my tongue with small bumps starting to go down my tongue into my throat. It doesn't hurt, just annoying. I can feel it on my uvula (dangly thing) Sometimes I can taste metal on that spot, or just an uncomfortability with it, but no pain. I just turned 20, I'm female and I'm a smoker and have been smoking for about 4 years. I am very scared if it being oral cancer, but I've been reading into it and its said that oral cancer creates with patches, and I do not have that. I think I may be dehydrated as I haven't been drinking very much lately other than pop, or it could be a deficiency in something because we haven't been able to afford much food, so I dont eat all day until supper which is usually microwavable, and afterwards just little snacks. Unhealthy ones. I know I am very unhealthy and I think that may be the cause to this. I'm only 5'4 and weigh 90 pounds. PLEASE I would be very greatful to hear back from you with what you think it may be, if I should wait untill its gone or go see my doctor ASAP. PLEASE HELP!!