My wife had thrombosis issue because of that she got ceaser. Cloat was clean and we are still giving medicine. Mostly effect is on blood . Protein C and S deficiency was there which is not cured at the time of first hospitalization her hemoglobin was less and we gave 2 unit of blood to her, so acitrom dosage was less 2mg was able to give desired results of INR ratio of 2 to 2.5, But later condition went bad now acitrom dosage is 6 mg once and next day 7mg once. apart from this she is taking mirtaz 7.5 (1) than topaz 50 (1), locsam 100 (2wise), Lamtec 100 (2wise), clonotrill (.5gm ) night time. She still complaints acute head ache specially at the place where she had cloat. We have taken MRI all clean. there was time when episode of ceaser repeated due to forgetting problem of my wife but now medicines are given regular so episode again. Please advise email if possible YYYY@YYYY