hi doctor, I got my urine routine and microscopy(qualitative Method) done today and the report says as Physical Examination Colour-Pale Yellow, Appearance -Slightly Turbid, PH-6.0, Specific Gravity-1.015. Chemical Examination Protien-Nil, Sugar-Nil, Ketone-Absent, Bile Salt-Absent, Bile Pigment-Absent, Urobilinogen-Normal. Microscopic Examination RBC-3-4/HPF, WBC/ Pus Cells-10-15/HPF, Epithelial Cells 2-3/HPF, Granular Cast-Nil, Hyaline Cast-Nil, Crystals-NIL,Mucous Strand-Nil, Other-Sperms seen. Can you please tell me if this is a normal urine report or is there any problem, your