I'm female, 20 years old and sexually active.
This past month I've been feeling really weird and I'm not sure if I'm pregnant or have some other medical issue going on. I've been having a certain heaviness in my stomach that sometimes makes me feel a little "uneasy" when I sit or lye on my stomach. Nothing that hurts, just some discomfort. I've been eating a lot more than normal and have picked up some weight. I'm always so tired lately and a little moody (or so I've been told) but I haven't felt nauseated or a need to vomit. I had sex about 4 months ago and have taken pregnancy tests which all came up negative. (Took them weeks after sex so I'm not sure if it were to early or not)
I've also had a weird period pattern. It comes on time, the bleeding ends within 4 days but but by the end of the month I'm bleeding or spotting some more. My last period was about a week and 5 days ago. I'm freaking out, hoping that this isn't anything too serious. I would like to have some type of answer to this before going to the doctor. Thank you