I am a 40 years old male
I have a history of TB in 2003 and got tratment
i had a swelling on right side of my neck adjacent to color bone and it was aspirated and then i started TB treatment.
at that time my waight was 45 KG
streptomycine injectoin daily for firt 2 month along with Myrin P Forte 4 tablet daily
Myrin P FOrte for about 4 months
Myrin 4 tablets daily for more 6 monts
after this treatment i put on about 25 kg
in 2007 a i got swelling behind my left ear lob of about 4 to 5 cm and it was aspirated it appeared 3 to 4 times on same place and also on right side.
Some time skin was ruptured and it was drained and some time it was aspirated with sringe.
all these times i took ciprofloxocin.
Recently sweling started about 9 or 10 month ago and now when i visited hospital doctor suggested Mycodot & chest Xray , FNAC and culture
FNAC CYCTIC swelling LEFT PInna CONSISTANT with simple cyst.
C?E of smear reveals good cellularity showing proteinaceous backgroud against which degenarated cells are seen.
ESR is 5
Mycodot is positive
cheast x ray : cardiac size is normal , lungs are clear
after having a minor surgery this time they aspirated material
AFB Stain is -ve
Culture & Sensitivity :
Smear report: WBC 5-10
Gram Positive BACILLI +ve
culture report: Light grouth of Corynebacterium species isolated after 9 days.
sensitive to ampicline chloramphenicol, CLindamycine , Erythromycine, tetracycline, Ciprofloxacine.
Culture Note: Clincal correlation is advised.
Can you please guide me in this regard.