I had a root canal done on May 7th. After the procedure, I immediately followed up by taking pain reliever to take care of the pain once it started. The next day I began to notice numbness and swelling in my lip and the side of my mouth. This continued on for at least four days. I was also in pain for several days. The endodentist saw me and said my swelling was not major. For my small face, the swelling was quite noticeable. They put me on clindamycin. After a couple more days, the swelling and pain were still the same and I developed a fever. They called me in a Z-Pack and told me to take a tylenol and ibuprofen at the same time. Both of these helped to stop the pain and clear up what might have been an infection. I returned to the endodentist May 28th. They were to complete the second part of the procedure, but she decided that since I was still experiencing pain in the actual tooth that we would only put in more medication. Once back inside my tooth, she realized that she had missed a third canal. So she took care of it and applied more meds. I still numb in my lip and jaw. I also have started to feel pain again in my jawline. Yesterday, I even noticed a lump. The endodentist keeps saying that this is not reason for concern. Is it? What is still going on?