My period cycles are usually between 29-32 days. I had a 32 day cycle that ended 9.23.13
I had a sexual encounter CD 18 with no protection, the male has low sperm quantity/quality - 10.10.13
I had a sexual encounter CD 23 and using withdrawal method -10.15.13
On CD 34 I had a faint positive pregnancy test, CD 35 it was darker. - 10.26/27.13
CD 36 a blood test: hcg levels of 165 (5w0d) - 10.28.13
CD 38 a blood test: hcg levels of 330 (5w2d) - 10.30.13, check pregnancy due to heavy spotting
CD 40, abdominal ultrasound revealed an empty uterus. (5w4d) - 11.01.13
We plan on paternity testing, but can you guess which encounter conception resulted from?